Physical challenges scriptural and scientific ways to overcome.

    This is a medically diagnosed condition that makes it difficult to engage in the activities of daily life. Every challenge that comes ti a man is always referred to as an attack by ignorant people in the kingdom,even when the challenge comes due to lack of understanding or commitment, it will still be termed as an "Attack". A student that is always playing around and never had time with his studies will surely fail.

    Many people have allowed different types of sickness or illness due to lack of rest. For instance, there are people with serious high blood pressure that are still working without rest, this will definitely lead to stroke one day if the situation is not properly handles. When this happens, people will refer to it as an "attack" or "affliction".

   I was inside a bus one day,and a man was complaining bitterly about his health; how he has been suffering from pain from his right leg and one side of his brain and yet he still had no time to rest. He explained how he used to wake up at four"O'clock everyday and return home at eleven"O"clock every night. There is no anitidote to this man's problem that taking a leave from work otherwise he may end up having "stroke". I have heard also of many that dird on the steering during serious hold up on their way back home. Is it all that fell from their chairs in the office that were attacked by the devil?Majority happened as a result of lack of rest. Some of them might have had some symptoms that need medical attention but no time to see the doctor.

   Some may even collect the drug from the doctor but no time to take it. All these may eventually lead to some critical medical condition or death.

   However, if our God, the creator of heaven and the earth could rest on the seventh day after the creation why won't you?

 The bible says:

 "Thus, the heavens and the earth and all the host of them were finished. And on the seventh day, God ended his work which he had done and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done." Genesis 2:1-2.

  A time zof rest is never a mistake, waste; it is for you to return fresh to your work. Rest is inevitable, if you dodge it, the consequence you may not be able to hear or bear. Get a resting period and always rest well.

   Lack if cleanliness is another issue to be considered along side physical impairment. I remember a song says;

 Personal cleanliness can overcome any type of sickness; cleanliness in the home and the body, cleanliness can overcome all sicknesses."

   No matter how spiritual you may be, if you are dirty, the devil will make your body and your home an abode. The bible refers to them as the "unclean spirits". If you are living a dirty life, you are automatically inviting demons to come and live with you. When they come, their presence will surely manifest in different forms of sickness an strange situations.

   Cleanliness can never be seperated from Godliness. A general word says:"Cleanliness is next to Godliness." Jesus was casting demons out of Gatherene demoniac.

   "For he said to him"come out of this man, you unclean spirit." Mark5:8

  It was the legion of the demons that requested that jesus should cast them out; into the "swine" a stinking place, abode of dirty and stinking animals.

  Then he asked him, "What is your name?" and he answered saying my name is legion, for we are many. Also,he begged him earnestly that he would not send them out of the country. Now, a large herd of swine was feeding there near the mountains.  So, all the demons begged him saying; send us to the swine that we may enter them. And at once, Jesus gave them permission. Then, the unclean spirit went out and entered the swine (there were about two thousand); and the herd ran violently down the sleep place into the sea and drowned in the sea."Mark 5:9-13.

  Some houses are so conducive for demons to abide because of the dirt and foul smell within and around them. In some houses, toilets are loaded with heaps of faeces, kitchens with accumulation of dirty plates breeding house flies, definitely, cholera and dysentery will surely break out from such houses. This is not a matter of binding and loosing, you need to live a clean and decent life. Five years ago, I went out to visit a new member of a church                                                                                              I could not  sit down because the environment was too dirty; thye curtains, the chairs, the floor, and the odour of children urine on the bed were all stinking. How can God live in that environment. I quickly prayed and went out. On our way back to church, i told the brother that followed me, that, i was going to talk to that woman about personal hygiene otherwise; a serious disease or epidemic may spring forth from that house if they continued that day. A week after the visitation, we heard that one of the children of that woman was down with swollen legs and the boy eventually died.                                           Many houses on the other hand, are surrounded by bush, gutters, yet, people with stagnant water, breeding mosquitoes, yet, people complain of malaria and typhoid fever every now and then. Such people will visit doctors and get relieved for a while after which the sickness will definitely relapse because the environmental condition of that house has not changed. People may surely refer to this as an attack or affliction No, it is nothing but the consequence of uncleanliness. A man was explaining to me, the health condition in his family; how they had been battling with malaria for many months. I asked if there were mosquitoes in his house, he replied that mosquitoes were everywhere in his house. I counscelled him to get rid of the existing mosquitoes in his house first and then make mosquito nets all over the place. Sincerely, that was the end of that problem. Maintaining cleanliness is a great antidote to certain sicknesses.                                           

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