Four Most Evil Leaders (Men) In History

4. Idi Amin: Idi Amin was a Ugandan military officer, who served as president of Uganda, from 1971 to 1979. Commonly known as the butcher of Uganda, he is considered one of the most brutal presidents in world' s history

He was a member of a small ethnic group in Northwest Uganda, Amin had a little formal education. He became president of the Ugandan Nation in 1971. Idi Amin ruled directly, not minding the delegation of power. He was known for changes in his mood, publicly insultedany nations, and was extreme in Nationalism. He is remembered as the butcher of Uganda, as it is believed that about 300, 000 people were killed, and many others were severely tortured during his reign as President

   3. Vlad The Impaler: Vlad III, popularly known as Vlad the Impaler. He is the true Dracula. Though Dracula is a purely fictional creature, it was named after a real person who had the taste for blood

studies have indicated that Vlad III was born in 1431, in what is now Transylvania, the central region of modern Romania. I' m 1431, kimg Sigismund of Hungary inducted Elder Vlad into the Knightly order, which is the Order of the Dragon. This title earned Vlad II a new surname, Dracul, meaning Dragon. His son Vlad III would later be known as son of the Dragon or Dracula. He was known for impaling his enemies or victims on sticks, and leaving them to die.

2. Joseph Stalin: Joseph Stalin was born Josef Vissanionvich Djugashvili on December 18 1878 in a small town of Gori, Georgia, then part of the Russian Empire. He was 30 whennhe assumed the name Stalin, from the Russian, meaning " man of steel" .

Joseph Stalin was the dictator or the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1929 to 1953. Under Stalin, the Soviet Union was transformed from a peasant society into and military Nation. However he ruled by terror, and millions of his citizens died during his reign

1. Adolf Hitler: Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Gemany' s Nazi party, was the most powerful and notorious dictator of the 20th century. Hitler was born on 20th April 1889 in Austria. In 1913, Hitler moved to Munich, Germany. When the first World War, Hitler successfully petitioned the Bavarian king to be allowed to Volunteer in a reserve infantry regiment. Adolf Hitler capitalized on economic woes, popular discontent, and political infighting to take absolute power in Germany, beginning in 1993

Germany' s invasion of Poland led to the outbreak of the second world war, and by 1941, Nazi forces had occupied much of Europe. Adolf Hitler' s pursuit of Ayran supremacy, propelled him to kill 6 million Jews. After the tide of the war dawned on him, he decided to commit murder in a Berlin Bunker in April 1845

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